1. Schlueter, L. J., McGee, A. B., Link, T., Badanes, L. S., Dmitrieva, J., & Watamura, S. E. (2024). Physiologic stress in the classroom: Does teacher's cortisol expression influence children's afternoon rise in cortisol at childcare?. Psychology in the Schools, 61(6), 2240-2254.
2. McGee, A. D., Scott, S., Manczak, E., & Watamura, S. (2023). Associations between biomarkers and the psychophysiological impacts of teacher stress: a systematic review. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 153, 106248.
3. Liu, S., Phu, T., Dominguez, A., Hurwich-Reiss, E., McGee, A.B., Watamura, S. E., & Fisher, P. A. (2021). Improving caregiver self-efficacy and children’s behavioral outcomes via a brief video coaching intervention: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Prevention Science.
4. Rudenstine, S., Espinosa, A., McGee, A. B., & Routhier, E. (2018). Adverse Childhood Events, Adult Distress, and the Role of Emotion Regulation. Traumatology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/trm0000176.
5. Kerig, P. K., Charak, R., Chaplo, S. D., Bennett, D. C., Armour, C., Modrowski, C. A., & McGee, A. B. (2016). Validation of the factor structure of the Adolescent—Dissociative Experiences Scale in a sample of justice-involved youth. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 8(5), 592-600. doi: 10.1037/tra0000140.
6. Kerig, P. K., Bennett, D. C., Chaplo, S. D., Modrowski, C. A., & McGee, A. B. (2016). Numbing of positive, negative, and general emotions: Associations with trauma exposure, posttraumatic stress, and depressive symptoms among justice-involved youth. Journal of Traumatic Stress,29 (2), 111-119. Doi: 10.1002/jts.22087.
7. Bennett, D. C., Kerig, P. K., Chaplo, S. D., McGee, A. B., & Baucom, B. R. (2014). Validation of the five-factor model of PTSD symptom structure among delinquent youth. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, And Policy, doi:10.1037/a0035303